
The United Methodist Church in Central and Southern Europe consists of approximately 30.000 members and friends living in 13 countries (you can find a map here), celebrating worship services in about 20 languages and share God’s love in even more languages and expressions.

On this website you will learn more about this unique part of the  worldwide family of The United Methodist Church.

Bishop Dr. Stefan Zürcher

The United Methodist Church in countries directly or indirectly neighboring to Ukraine is very active in the ministries with and for Ukrainian refugees. Here you can find regular update reports (in English language) on these activities and on the situation in the various countries.

Dash of Thought July/August 2024

Providing and caring instead of worrying
"Do not worry" (Matthew 6:25). Jesus says this after speaking of imperishable wealth and generosity and directs our attention to the birds that are fed by the heavenly Father every day and to the flowers that God clothes so wonderfully.
"Don't worry!" I hear this call and invitation against the backdrop of the past six Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church in Central and Southern Europe. Each in its own way faces the challenge of limited or lacking resources: either because these resources are diminishing or because the need for them is increasing. What to do? What does it mean for the Church in this context not to worry?
There is a difference between "worrying" and "providing" or "caring". Not worrying does not mean living thoughtlessly into the day, carelessly and negligently jeopardizing what has been entrusted to us. We should look after the people entrusted to us. We should handle our possessions responsibly and wisely, especially when they are large, so that they serve us and the world around us - and thus the building of God's kingdom. - The fact that not everyone has what they need to live often has to do with the fact that some people do not fulfill their responsibility to use their means to provide for others. - Looking ahead and making provisions is liberating. Caring for others broadens our perspective.
Worrying, on the other hand, imprisons us, depresses us, narrows our focus and makes us turn in on ourselves. And it also prevents us from worrying and caring. Jesus wants to save us from this. He wants to free us from this by directing our gaze away from ourselves and our situation to God's creative action and the Creator himself, who cares for us like a mother and father - even for us as a Church! "See the birds! Look at the flowers! How much more will he care for you, his children, his Church." The experience of his care liberates us and enables us to make wise provisions and to care for others.
I wish everyone a summer free of worries.
Bishop Stefan Zürcher
Photo: Pixabay

Trust that proves itself in action

From June 27 to 30, 2024, the 103rd Session of the Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church in Poland took place in Ostroda.


Celebrating and Promoting

This year's Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church in Austria took place in Graz from May 30 to June 2, 2024.


On the road with open eyes

The 86th session of the Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church in Czechia took place in Prague from May 24-26, 2024.


Video Greetings from Bishop Stefan Zürcher at the end of General Conference

On Friday, May 3, 2024, the General Conference gathering of The United Methodist Church was closed. In a short video message, Bishop Stefan Zürcher looks back to ten intensive days and underlines what is important to him now.


Letter from Bishop Stefan Zürcher on the end of General Conference

Today, Friday, May 3, 2024, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church came to a close in Charlotte, NC.