In 1920, missionaries from the US began their work in the then combined state of Czechoslovakia. They organized revival meetings, distributed Bibles, and helped people still suffering from the consequences of the First World War. In the following years, many local churches were established – first in what is now the Czech Republic, later in what is now the Slovak Republic. The Church grew rapidly but also experienced politically and financially difficult times. Today the UMC is very mission-oriented; this is clearly seen in its evangelistic programs and the varied activities for children and youth. The social services for mothers and their children, for people with special needs, for drug or alcohol dependent persons, for prisoners and those on the parole are another priority of the church work. This work lends credibility to the Gospel message, and through it, people find a new outlook on their lives, and get ready to share the love, which they themselves have received.
Population: 10.69 millions
Area: 78,866 km2
Capital: Prague
UMC Churches: 19
Professing members: 809
Active Clergy: 17
Origin: 1920
(March 2025)
The 86th session of the Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church in Czechia took place in Prague from May 24-26, 2024.
Western Ukraine has so far been largely spared from the warlike actions. Nevertheless, the consequences of the war are also being felt here. Many internally displaced people have sought refuge - and need help. A small hospital built by volunteers has become a crucial place of healing and hope for many.
The Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church in Czechia met in Prague from May 12-14, 2023.
The Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC) in Czechia and Slovakia met in Bratislava from May 19-22, 2022, under the motto: "Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way!" (Isaiah 35:3).